Audit, risk & FOI
Check out our Information Publication Scheme to know what information you can get about our Office.
If you want to know about your complaint, we can share information with a person who:
- has made a complaint to us, or
- is authorised to act on behalf of someone else.
The types of information we can share include:
- correspondence to the Office received from the person making the complaint
- correspondence to them from our Office
- records of telephone and personal discussions involving them, unless those records contain sensitive information—in this case, non-sensitive portions may be disclosed
- other documents—such as copies of correspondence between themselves and the agency, which relates to their complaint—where we are satisfied that the person would have already seen them
- some documents created when we have assessed a complaint of abuse in Defence.
For other things, you may need to submit a formal Freedom of Information (FOI) request. Information about how to do this can be found here.