
What we can do

The Office of the Commonwealth Ombudsman is also the:

  • ACT Ombudsman
  • Defence Force Ombudsman
  • National Student Ombudsman
  • Overseas Students Ombudsman
  • VET Student Loans Ombudsman
  • Private Health Insurance Ombudsman
  • Postal Industry Ombudsman

We can receive and manage complaints about the administrative actions of:

  • Australian Government agencies
  • ACT Government agencies
  • prescribed private sector organisations
  • private education providers (Australian schools, colleges, institutions and universities)
  • providers of education and training within the VET sector
  • providers of postal services
  • private health insurers

Where, after investigation, we find that administrative action taken by agencies or organisations within our jurisdiction is:

  • wrong
  • unjust
  • unlawful
  • discriminatory
  • unfair

We may make recommendations.

We can review decisions made under the Compensation for Detriment caused by Defective Administration (CDDA) Scheme.

Find out more about the CDDA Scheme from our Factsheet and the Department of Finance website.

What we can't do

We generally decline to investigate complaints where:

  • a person has not first complained to the agency or prescribed authority. This allows agencies to address complaints and is often the fastest way to receive a response
  • a person can seek review of an agency or prescribed authority’s action – either an internal review with the agency, or an external review at a Tribunal – like the Administrative Appeals Tribunal.

We cannot investigate administrative actions or decisions that concern:

  • individuals or private businesses (other than when providing goods and services to the public under a contract with an Australian government agency or in our role of Overseas Students Ombudsman or Private Health Insurance Ombudsman)
  • decisions of courts or tribunals
  • employment disputes (except in the Australian Defence Force)
  • State or local governments (other than ACT)
  • government ministers.

Our Office cannot overturn agency decisions.

Where we cannot help you, we will try to assist you to find the correct oversight body.

It is best to make a Public Interest Disclosure (disclosure) to the Australian Government agency to which the conduct relates. If you believe it is not appropriate for an agency to handle a disclosure, we can receive the disclosure. Where we accept the disclosure, we will work with the discloser and the agency to give that matter back to the agency for investigation. Generally, we will only investigate a disclosure if:

  • we assess the relevant agency cannot handle the matter, or
  • there is a conflict of interest, confidentiality or reprisal issue the agency cannot manage.

If you have made a disclosure to an agency and are unhappy with how it was handled, you can complain to us.