Education events & resources
On this page
Complaint Handling Forum
The Commonwealth Ombudsman Complaint Handling Forum is an annual event held by the Office.
You can find out more on our Complaint Handling Forum page.
Useful Resources
- Visit our Publications page
- Download our Complaint Handling Better Practice Guides
- Automated Decision Making Better Practice Guide
- Read our Insights reports
- Utilise our agency Self-Assessment Tool for Complaint Handling
Public Interest Disclosure e-learning
The PID e-learning module will teach you about what a PID is, how you can make one, the protections that are available to disclosers and the process of a PID investigation.
If your agency would like to use the PID e-learning module as a part of your educational tools, we suggest you talk to your LMS administrator to ensure the correct publishing standard of the module is selected for downloading.