LEIO Reports

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Surveillance Device Six-Monthly Reports

These reports are provided to the Attorney-General on agencies’ compliance with the Surveillance Devices Act 2004 (Cth).

Note: Reports prior to 2014 are available on our Publications and Resources page by searching 'Surveillance Device".

AFP’s Handling of Complaints Against its Officers Annual Reports

These reports, made under section 40XD of the Australian Federal Police Act 1979 (the Act), summarises the work of the Office of the Commonwealth Ombudsman, to review the Australian Federal Police’s administration of Part V of the Act.

Part V of the Act sets out arrangements for the AFP’s handling of issues and complaints about police conduct.

Note: Reports prior to 2014 are available on our Publications and Resources page by searching " Report on activities under Part V of the Australian Federal Police Act 1979".

Fair Work Building Industry Act 2012 Reports

Quarterly Reports from the Commonwealth Ombudsman under s 712F(6) of the Fair Work Act 2009

Annual Reports under S54A(6) of the Fair Work (Building Industry) Act 2012