Immigration reports tabled in Parliament 10 May 2006

The summaries below are to assist site users only. For a complete record of the reports and recommendations please refer to each report. Please note that all abbreviations used in the summaries are spelt out in full within the reports.

  • Immigration report 049/06 (229.78KB)

    42 year old Turkish (Kurdish) man in detention for three years and on three occasions, with depression, anxiety and OCD. He was unlawful in community for 13 of his 18 years in Australia. Review/courts: RRT/MRT/FMC/FC/FFC/HC.
    Ombudsman’s recommendation: That a decision on a s 417 request is expedited.

  • Immigration report 050/06 (241.82KB)

    25 year old Iranian man in detention for three years; with anxiety, stress & self-harm. He escaped from detention for two years. He has converted to Christianity and his fiancée is an Australian citizen. Review/courts: RRT/FC/FFC/HC.
    Ombudsman’s recommendation: That a decision on s 417 & s 48B requests is expedited; if delayed, that a RPBV be considered to facilitate release.

  • Immigration report 051/06 (16.59KB)

    Man, in detention three years; with PTSD, anxiety, depression, self-harm risk and psychiatric hospitalisation. PV refused due to serious non-political crime. Review/courts: AAT/MRT/ITOA.
    Ombudsman’s recommendation: That a decision on a s 501J request is expedited; that alternative detention arrangements be explored (with appropriate surety and reporting conditions)—until immigration status resolved, or removal finalised.

  • Immigration report 052/06 (159KB)

    PRC man (age unknown) in detention for three years. He claimed to be from South Korea. PRC Consular visit. Review/courts: RRT/MRT.
    Ombudsman’s recommendation: DIMA to further discuss removal options with individual.

  • Immigration report 053/06 (110.8KB)

    57 year old PRC man in detention for three years. Falun Gong practice. Review/courts: RRT/FMC/FC/FFC/HC, FFC appeal is ongoing.
    Ombudsman’s recommendation: That, until status and removal issues are resolved, an appropriate visa to facilitate release be considered.

  • Immigration report 054/06 (176.41KB)

    53 year old PRC man in detention for two years; with a possible brain injury. He was in Australia for 16 years. Falun Gong practice and PRC Consular visit, removal imminent. Review/courts: RRT.
    Ombudsman’s recommendation: DIMA assess health issues in fitness to travel; DIMA contact man’s family in PRC & notify of his impending arrival.

  • Immigration report 055/06 (215.32KB)

    39 year old PRC man in detention for two years; with severe Major Depression, PTSD and self-harm risk. PRC Consular visit and removal delays. Review/courts: RRT/FMC.
    Ombudsman’s recommendation: If there are continuing delays in resolution of immigration status/removal, then release on an appropriate visa; that a humanitarian visa be considered (subject to security and character checks); that DIMA listen to tape of interview with PRC Consular officials and discuss with person his fear of persecution.