Immigration reports tabled in Parliament 13 September 2006

The summaries below are to assist site users only. For a complete record of the reports and recommendations please refer to each report. Please note that all abbreviations used in the summaries are spelt out in full within the reports.

  • Minister’s tabling statement—13 September 2006 (227.46KB)

  • Immigration report 070/06 (155.94KB)

    33 year old PRC man, in detention two years; identity issues delaying removal. Falun Gong practice and PRC Consular visit. Review/courts: RRT /FMC/HC class action.
    Ombudsman’s recommendation: That decisions on a s 417 request, and on use of intervention powers, be expedited; that while removal arrangements are concluded, the grant of a BV (with work rights) be considered.

  • Immigration report 071/06 (153.94KB)

    44 year old South Korean man, in detention for three years. Entered Australia twice; removal imminent. Review / courts: AAT/MRT/RRT.
    Ombudsman’s Recommendation: Suggest DIMA takes steps to ensure that Mr X has every opportunity to inform spouse of action to remove him.