Immigration reports tabled in Parliament 20 June 2006

The summaries below are to assist site users only. For a complete record of the reports and recommendations please refer to each report. Please note that all abbreviations used in the summaries are spelt out in full within the reports.

  • Immigration report 056/06 (153.05KB)

    49 year old North Korean man in detention for three years. Nationality and identity issues, physical health problems. Review/courts: RRT/MRT.
    Ombudsman’s recommendation: DIMA continue to resolve identity/nationality issues and process his PV application as a priority; that, pending resolution of his immigration status, a visa for release into community be considered.

  • Immigration report 057/06 (182.44KB)

    39 year old North Korean woman in detention for two years; with physical health problems and concerns re use of paracetamol. Difficulty confirming nationality. Review/courts: RRT/MRT/FMC.
    Ombudsman’s recommendation: That, pending resolution of her immigration status, a RPBV be considered (with reporting conditions); that a s 417 request is expedited.

  • Immigration report 058/06 (164.98KB)

    45 year old North Korean man in detention for three years. Nationality & identity issues. Review/courts: RRT/MRT.
    Ombudsman’s recommendation: DIMA continue to resolve identity/nationality issues; that, pending resolution of his immigration status, a visa for release into community be considered (with reporting conditions).

  • Immigration report 059/06 (243.61KB)

    42 year old Turkish man in detention for two years; with depression. His wife is an Australian citizen and is hospitalised with a mental health condition. He lived in Australia for 18 years, escaped from detention on two occasions and was unlawful for six years. Drug offences and a s 501 cancellation. Review/courts: IRT/RRT/MRT/AAT/FC/FFC.
    Ombudsman’s recommendation: That a s 417 request is expedited; if there is a delay, the grant of an appropriate visa (to enable release and reconnection with his wife) is considered.

  • Immigration report 060/06 (173.12KB)

    49 year old Scottish born man, a permanent resident for 29 years; detained for two years. His criminal convictions led to s 501 visa cancellation. Minister granted RD due to man’s poor health. Released due to Nystrom decision, i.e. an ‘absorbed person’. Now deceased. Review/courts: FMC.
    Ombudsman’s recommendation: None. Condolences to family.

  • Immigration report 061/06 (322.08KB)

    35 year old Vietnamese man in detention for four years; with brain injury, depression, drug addiction and self-harm. A permanent resident for 20 years, his extended family and son are Australian citizens. Criminal convictions led to a s 501 visa cancellation. Review/courts: RRT/MRT/AAT/FMC/FC/FFC – judgement reserved.
    Ombudsman’s recommendation: That s 417 requests are expedited; if there is a delay in the resolution of court and s 417 requests, consider release from detention on an appropriate visa.

  • Immigration report 062/06 (229.21KB)

    46 year old Taiwanese man in detention for two years; with a possible serious mental illness. Now living in community with wife and five children on RD. Review/courts: RRT/FMC/FC.
    Ombudsman’s recommendation: DIMA refer individual to mental health specialists; if removal attempted, DIMA to monitor impact on individual’s mental health.

  • Immigration report 063/06 (298.5KB)

    48 year old PRC man in detention for four years; with Major Depression, anxiety and psychotic symptoms. Wanted in PRC for financial crimes, s 501 refusal. Review/courts: FC/FFC/HC/ an FC application is afoot.
    Ombudsman’s recommendation: No specific recommendation. That alternative detention be considered. The Ombudsman considers that DIMA should seek assurances that person will not face the death penalty if he is removed.

  • Immigration report 064/06 (324.29KB)

    46 year old Turkish man in detention two years; with a chronic Delusional Disorder and possible dental health needs. He has lost his Turkish citizenship and has a restricted capacity to make decisions about his immigration issues. Review/courts: MRT.
    Ombudsman’s recommendation: For referral to an independent senior psychiatrist for assessment; for consideration of the most appropriate living arrangement; DIMA to approach Turkish Consulate to discuss waiving his military service obligations; dental surgery if necessary.

  • Immigration report 065/06 (200.45KB)

    43 year old PRC man in detention five years (cumulative); with Major Depression. Identity problems and removal delays, PRC Consular visit. Review/courts: RSRC/RRT/MRT/FC.
    Ombudsman’s recommendation: Expedite decision on Ministerial submission of December 2005, and that a RPBV be considered.

  • Immigration report 066/06 (344.96KB)

    45 year old Indian man in detention two years; with chronic paranoid psychosis and psychiatric hospitalisation. Unlawful in Australia for 20 years, his family are now Australian citizens. Outstanding warrant for breach of AVO. Review/courts: MRT/FMC/FFC.
    Ombudsman’s recommendation: The Ombudsman suggested that DIMA should canvass the option of a Residence Determination; that DIMA consult with police to resolve AVO warrant issues; that a s 351, and other submissions, are expedited.