Immigration reports tabled in Parliament 9 February 2006

The summaries below are to assist site users only. For a complete record of the reports and recommendations please refer to each report. Please note that all abbreviations used in the summaries are spelt out in full within the reports.

  • Immigration report 003/05 (167.96KB)

    45 year old PRC man in detention for two years; practices Falun Gong. Review / courts: RRT/HC.
    Ombudsman’s recommendation: Release on a RPBV pending decision on immigration status.

  • Immigration report 004/05 (200.69KB)

    38 year old Afghani man in detention for four years; his wife and children have been released on TPV’s. Psychological impairment. Consideration of the best interests of the children. Review / courts: AAT/FC/FFC/HC/UNHCR.
    Ombudsman’s recommendation: Immediate release on a RPBV, pending consideration of permanent visas for himself and family.

  • Immigration report 005/05 (263.57KB)

    36 year old Algerian man in detention for 4 years; with severe depression, PTSD and psychiatric hospitalisation. His wife is Australian. Concerns re paracetamol. Review / courts: RRT/FMC/FFC/FC.
    Ombudsman’s recommendation: Not to be detained; consider release on a RPBV; grant of permanent visa be considered.

  • Immigration report 006/05 (99.15KB)

    45 year old man detained for four years; with severe depression. Granted permanent visa. Review / courts: RRT/FMC/FFC.
    Ombudsman’s recommendation: DIMA to consider providing ongoing assistance.

  • Immigration report 007/05 (83.01KB)

    45 year old woman detained for four years. Granted a permanent visa. Review / courts: RRT/FMC/FFC. No recommendation by Ombudsman.

  • Immigration report 008/05 (171.98KB)

    22 year old Afghani (Hazara) man detained for five years; with psychological problems. Concerns re paracetamol. Initial difficulty in confirming nationality, granted a permanent visa. Review / courts: RRT/FMC.
    Ombudsman’s recommendation: DIMA involvement in providing continuing mental health care.

  • Immigration report 009/05 (276.76KB)

    42 year old man of Lebanese origin (38 years in Australia) detained for three years, his wife and children are Australian. His history of criminal convictions led to a s 501 visa cancellation. He was released due to Nystrom decision, i.e. an ‘absorbed person’. Review / courts: RRT/FC/FFC/HC.
    Ombudsman’s recommendation: Not to be placed in immigration detention; if DIMA HC appeal against Nystrom decision is successful, postpone any removal action until Government has considered the Ombudsman’s s 501 report.

  • Immigration report 010/05 (229.72KB)

    61 year old man (17 years in Australia) in detention for four years. His sexual offences against a minor and 6 years jail led to a deportation order under s 200. Review / courts: AAT/FC/FFC/HC.
    Ombudsman’s recommendation: DIMA actively seek removal; consider release if removal delayed.

  • Immigration report 011/05 (164.55KB)

    27 year old Congolese man in detention for four years. Released on a TPV. Legal process delays. Review / courts: RRT/FC/FMC.
    Ombudsman’s recommendation: That a permanent visa be considered.

  • Immigration report 012/05 (245.01KB)

    29 year old Sri Lankan (Tamil) man detained for four years; with profound depression, anxiety and psychiatric hospitalisation. Released on a RPBV. Review / courts: RRT/FMC/FFC/HC.
    Ombudsman’s recommendation: Not to be detained again; that a permanent visa be considered.

  • Immigration report 013/05 (217.63KB)

    24 year old Afghani man detained for four years; with Major Depression, anxiety and PTSD. Difficulty in confirming nationality. Released on TPV. Review / courts: RRT/FC/FFC/HC.
    Ombudsman’s recommendation: That a permanent visa be considered; DIMA to consider what ongoing assistance can be provided.
    (This report mistakenly refers to a Hazara man who is single. In fact, report 013/05 relates to a Pashtun man who is married.)

  • Immigration report 015/05 (251.96KB)

    24 year old Fijian man (15 years in Australia) detained for two years. His criminal convictions led to a s 501 visa cancellation. Review / courts: FMC/FFC.
    Ombudsman’s recommendation: Not to be removed at present; consideration of a visa to enable release into community, pending Ombudsman’s s 501 report.