Immigration reports tabled in Parliament 19 September 2007

The summaries below are to assist site users only. For a complete record of the reports and recommendations please refer to each report. Please note that all abbreviations used in the summaries are spelt out in full within the reports.

  • Minister’s tabling statement—19 September 2007 (74.83KB)

  • Immigration report 215/07 (390.75KB)

    Indonesian citizen aged 40 and one child aged 14 in detention for approximately three years; removal attempted without 48 hours notice.
    Review/Courts: RRT/MRT/FMC/FFC/HC Class action.
    In Community detention.
    No recommendation by the Ombudsman.

  • Immigration report 216/07 (481.91KB)

    Tongan citizen couple aged 40 and 38 with four children (aged 2 to 14) in detention for two and a half years; Australian citizen child issues. Possibly Srey affected.
    Review/Courts: FC/FMC. In Community Detention.
    Ombudsman’s Recommendation: That the Minister make a decision on the s 195A submission as soon as possible.

  • Immigration report 217/07 (253.08KB)

    PRC citizen aged 33, in detention for three years; criminal history. PRC delegation May 2005.
    Review/Courts: RRT/MRT/FMC/FFC
    No recommendation by the Ombudsman.

  • Immigration report 218/07 (485.94KB)

    Combined second, third and fourth report, previous reports #62/06 and 67/06; Taiwanese couple aged 39 and 47 with five children (aged 2 to 13) in detention for four years; father has Delusional Disorder and possibly schizophrenia. In Community Detention and plans for removal.
    Ombudsman’s Recommendation: That the Minister make a decision on the s 195A submission and combined s 417/48B request as soon as possible.

  • Immigration report 219/07 (220.2KB)

    Bangladesh citizen aged 38, in detention for four years. Adjustment Disorder with depressed mood, psychiatric hospitalisation.
    Review/Courts: RRT/FMC/FC/HC. Granted a Global Special Humanitarian Visa.
    No recommendation by the Ombudsman.

  • Immigration report 220/07 (266.88KB)

    PRC citizen aged 53, in detention for two years, Srey affected. Breaches of One-Child Policy.
    Review/Courts: MRT/RRT/FC/FMC. For removal.
    No recommendation by the Ombudsman.