Immigration reports tabled in Parliament 21 March 2007

The summaries below are to assist site users only. For a complete record of the reports and recommendations please refer to each report. Please note that all abbreviations used in the summaries are spelt out in full within the reports.

  • Minister’s tabling statement—21 March 2007 (256.72KB)

  • Immigration report 113/06 (151.68KB)

    62 year old citizen of Fiji in detention for two years. Degenerative knee condition. Review/Courts: MRT, FMC, FFC.
    Ombudsman’s Recommendation: That the Minister expedite the decision on the current s 351 submission; that DIAC has further discussions with Mr X to assist him to understand his situation with probable removal if s 351 submission is unsuccessful.

  • Immigration report 114/06 (125.2KB)

    Second report, previous report # 70/06; 34 year old PRC citizen in detention for nearly three years; Falun Gong practice, PRC Consular visit and DIAC review. PTSD.
    Ombudsman’s Recommendation: That the Minister expedite a decision on the s 48B request; if further delays in resolving immigration status, the Minister consider the grant of a BV with work rights.

  • Immigration report 115/06 (116.77KB)

    Combined second and third report, previous report # 26/06; 30 year old Vietnamese citizen in detention for over three years. Criminal history and s 501 visa cancellation. Generalised anxiety, ongoing detention impacting on mental health.
    Ombudsman’s Recommendation: That the Minister uses her powers under 195A to grant a BV with work rights.

  • Immigration report 116/06 (155.57KB)

    16 year old citizen of Vietnam detained for two years. Review/Courts: RRT/FC. Successful at the RRT and released on a TPV.
    Ombudsman’s Recommendation: In accordance with the ‘best interests of the child’ principle, the Minister give consideration to waiving the waiting period to allow an application for a PV.

  • Immigration report 117/06 (223.8KB)

    30 year old citizen of Iran detained for four and a half years. Difficulty in confirming nationality (claims to be from Iraq). Major Depression, PTSD. Review/Courts: RRT/FC/FFC/HC. Released on a RPBV.
    Ombudsman’s Recommendation: That the Minister expedite a decision on the combined s 417/48B request; DIAC to consider what ongoing psychiatric assistance it should provide.

  • Immigration report 118/06 (296.26KB)

    48 year old citizen from the PRC in detention for two and a half years. Depressive illness and PTSD, assaulted at Villawood, PV sought under a false identity. Review/Courts: RRT/FMC/FFC/MRT.
    Ombudsman’s Recommendation: That the Minister expedite a decision on the current s 417/48B request; if further delays in resolving immigration status, consideration be given to alternative detention arrangements due to current impact on mental health.

  • Immigration report 119/07 (130.43KB)

    44 year old PRC citizen detained for 2 years; anxiety and depression. Released on BV with no work rights or access to medical or financial support. Review/courts: RRT/FC/FFC.
    Ombudsman’s recommendation: If removal delayed DIAC to undertake a review of his circumstances, including access to work rights.

  • Immigration report 120/07 (387.54KB)

    32 year old claiming to be a citizen of India detained for over 6 years; major depression, psychosis and suicidal ideation; repeated involuntary psychiatric hospitalisations. Identity and nationality issues. Length of detention concerns. Review/courts: RRT/FC Released on a RPBV.
    Ombudsman’s recommendation: DIAC to consider providing ongoing medical and psychiatric support; the Minister to consider granting a permanent visa.

  • Immigration report 121/07 (94.71KB)

    21 year old citizen of the PRC in detention for two and a half years; Falun Gong practice; Review/courts: RRT/FMC
    Ombudsman’s recommendation: Minister expedite s 417 submission.

  • Immigration report 122/07 (148.89KB)

    Third report, previous report # 47/06; 28 year old citizen of the PRC in detention for three and a half years; depression, voluntary psychiatric hospitalisation. PRC Consular visit and DIAC review.
    Ombudsman’s recommendation: The Minister expedite the s 417 and s 48B requests, that he not be returned to an immigration detention facility, that a visa or alternative detention be considered, that there are a number of factors that may incline the Minister to grant a substantive visa.

  • Immigration report 123/07 (114.01KB)

    Combined second and third report, previous report # 29/06; 35 year old citizen of the PRC in detention for over 4 years; Falun Gong practice; PRC Consular visit and DIAC review; adjustment disorder and depression; lengthy delays in removal.
    Ombudsman’s recommendation: Minister again consider granting a visa or consider alternative detention arrangements.

  • Immigration report 124/07 (124.67KB)

    37 year old citizen of Iran detained for 3 years, escaped for 3 years; major depression and PTSD. Review/courts: RRT/FC/FFC/HC (discontinued). Granted a TPV.
    Ombudsman’s recommendation: Minister consider waiving waiting period to allow an application for a PV.

  • Immigration report 125/07 (126.95KB)

    Combined second, third and fourth report, previous report 30/06; 54 year old Pakistani man detained for over three and a half years. Review/Courts: RRT/FMC/FFC. Released on a BVE.
    No recommendations made by the Ombudsman.