Immigration reports tabled in Parliament 7 February 2007

The summaries below are to assist site users only. For a complete record of the reports and recommendations please refer to each report. Please note that all abbreviations used in the summaries are spelt out in full within the reports.

  • Minister’s tabling statement—7 February 2007 (431.92KB)

  • Immigration report 105/06 (194.24KB)

    38 year old citizen of Nepal detained for two years. Major depression, PTSD, self-harm risk, involuntary psychiatric hospitalisation; immigration detention a factor in the deterioration of his mental health. Review/Courts: RRT/FMC.
    No recommendation by Ombudsman, however desirable that a permanent solution be soon found to his unresolved immigration issues and ongoing support needs to be considered by DIMA.

  • Immigration report 106/06 (252.65KB)

    34 year old citizen of Iran detained for almost 5 years. Major depression, PTSD, several self-harm attempts and involuntary psychiatric hospitalisation. Guardian appointed. GSL used force in transfer to Red One. Apostate. Granted a TPV.
    Review / courts: RRT/FC/FMC/FFC/HC.
    Ombudsman’s recommendation: Amend policy to ban GSL officers using pressure points above the shoulder when using force as a last resort; Minister consider granting a permanent visa; appropriate for DIMA to consider ongoing medical and casework support.

  • Immigration report 107/06 (231.95KB)

    36 year old married PRC woman and her 4 year old Australian born daughter, 2 children in PRC; detained for nearly five years. New PV claim arising from PRC delegation visit issues. Mother has PTSD, depression and anxiety; daughter has separation anxiety and disordered attachment to mother. Nutrition issues for daughter whilst in detention. Mother allegedly victim of sexual assault at VIDF.
    Review / courts: RRT/FMC/FFC.
    Ombudsman’s recommendation: That PV claim assessment be expedited; if PV claim unsuccessful consider humanitarian grounds and give weight to issues affecting daughter. Ombudsman not advised until after report completed that both were granted PV’s in September 2006.

  • Immigration report 108/06 (142.03KB)

    37 year old man detained for almost six years. Previous report 40. Had a major depressive episode; delay in obtaining character clearance. Granted a TPV.
    Review/courts: RRT/FMC/FFC/UNHRC.
    Ombudsman’s recommendation: Minister consider granting a permanent visa, consider reintroducing into policy the requirement to notify legal representatives 48 hours prior to removal, DIMA to consider ongoing mental health support, post release.

  • Immigration report 109/06 (127.56KB)

    29 year old PRC man in detention for over three and a half years. Falun Gong practice. Previous report 39. periods of anxiety and depression. Review/courts: RRT/FMC.
    Ombudsman’s recommendation: That a combined s 417/ s 48B request be expedited; a RPBV be considered while his immigration status or his removal issues are resolved.

  • Immigration report 110/06 (101.06KB)

    55 year old citizen of Indonesian detained for two and a half years. Wife subject of Report 111. Voluntary removal. Review/Courts: RRT/MRT/FMC/FC/FFC/HC
    No Recommendation by Ombudsman.

  • Immigration report 111/06 (113.74KB)

    41 year old citizen of Indonesia detained for two and a half years. Husband subject of Report 110. Voluntary removal.
    Review/Courts: RRT/MRT/FMC/FC/FFC/HC
    No Recommendation by Ombudsman.

  • Immigration report 112/06 (157.38KB)

    38 year old ethnic Arab man detained for nearly five years. Severe PTSD, anxiety, major depression and self-harm. DIMA received new country information. Released on a RPBV and then granted a TPV.
    Review / courts: RRT/FMC/FFC/HC.
    Ombudsman’s recommendation: Minister to consider waiving the 30 month waiting period before he can be considered for a Permanent PV, DIMA to consider providing medical and casework support.