Immigration reports tabled in Parliament 4 February 2009

The summaries below are to assist site users only. For a complete record of the reports and recommendations please refer to each report. Please note that all abbreviations used in the summaries are spelt out in full within the reports.

  • Minister’s tabling statement—4 February 2009 (135.96KB)

  • Immigration report 492/08 (299.71KB)

    Bangladeshi citizen aged 24 detained for two years and four months; auditory hallucinations, paranoid ideation, severe depression with psychotic features; SASH. Review/Courts: MRT/FMC/FFC/RRT. Granted BV
    No recommendation by the Ombudsman.

  • Immigration report 493/08 (192.89KB)

    Abridged report. Granted a GHSV.
    No recommendation by the Ombudsman.

  • Immigration report 494/08 (110.5KB)

    6th report, previous reports 427/08 and 91/06. Indian citizen aged 39, in detention (three occasions) for four years and eight months including SIRH for two months and Community Detention for nine months; major depression, anxiety and panic disorder with agoraphobia; indecent assault charge withdrawn. Minister’s Review (May 2008)—for removal; Minister’s Review (September 2008)—consider GHSV.
    No recommendation by the Ombudsman.

  • Immigration report 495/08 (193.82KB)

    3rd report, previous report 410/08. Vietnamese citizen aged 36, in detention for three years and two months; compensation claim, s 501 visa cancellation. Minister’s Review—refer to s 501 Review.
    Ombudsman’s recommendation: that Mr X be placed in Community Detention until his immigration status is resolved.

  • Immigration report 496/08 (84.26KB)

    3rd report, previous reports 406/08 and 384/08. Turkish citizen aged 34 in detention for three years and two months; depression, panic disorder, anxiety, anti-social disorder and SASH. Minister’s Review—refer to s 501 Review.
    Ombudsman’s recommendation: again recommends that Mr X be placed in Community Detention while his immigration status is resolved.

  • Immigration report 497/08 (122.22KB)

    4th report, previous reports 423/08 and 331/07. PRC citizen aged 55, detained for three years and seven months. Minister’s Review—for removal. Granted BV.
    No recommendation by the Ombudsman.

  • Immigration report 498/08 (135.91KB)

    4th report, previous report 404/08. PRC citizen aged 55, in detention three years and eight months including SIRH for eight months; depression, anxiety, neurological condition. Review/Courts: FFC. Minister’s Review—for removal.
    Ombudsman’s recommendation: if Mr X’s removal is postponed, again recommends that Mr X be placed in Community Detention while his immigration status is resolved.

  • Immigration report 499/08 (253.23KB)

    4th report, previous reports 409/08 and 139/07; Kenyan citizen aged 32, in detention for three years and eleven months including Alternative/Community Detention for seven months; depression, adjustment disorder. Minister’s Review—consider GHSV
    No recommendation by the Ombudsman.

  • Immigration report 500/08 (187.04KB)

    Abridged Report. Granted a PV.
    No recommendation by the Ombudsman.

  • Immigration report 501/08 (385.57KB)

    Family of Indonesian citizens aged 31, 28, five and four; in detention (two occasions) for two years and seven months including Community Detention for almost two years and seven months. Review/Courts: RRT/RSA.
    No recommendation by the Ombudsman.

  • Immigration report 502/08 (208.03KB)

    Iranian citizen aged 49, in detention two years and three months including Community Detention for ten months. Review/Courts: RRT/HC/FC/FMC. Minister’s Review—consider GSHV.
    No recommendation by the Ombudsman.

  • Immigration report 503/08 (285.86KB)

    Family of PRC citizens aged 34, 33 and six. Mr X has been in detention for two years and two months including Community Detention for two years and two months; insomnia, depression, self harm attempt. Ms Y and son have been in detention for two years and three months including Community Detention for two years and two months. Review/Courts: RRT/FC. Minister’s Review—consider RRVs
    No recommendation by the Ombudsman.

  • Immigration report 504/08 (232.3KB)

    Abridged report. Granted a PV.
    No recommendation by the Ombudsman.

  • Immigration report 505/08 (503.68KB)

    New Zealand citizen aged 27 in detention for two years and four months; Australian citizen family; s 501 visa cancellation; SASH; victim of assault; visiting and placement issues. Review/Courts: AAT/FC/FFC/RRT.
    Ombudsman’s recommendation: that consideration be given to alternative detention arrangements including community detention while Ms X’s immigration status is resolved.

  • Immigration report 506/08 (386.07KB)

    New Zealand citizen aged 74, in detention (two occasions) two years and three months, including Alternative Detention for two years and two months; carer for Australian citizen wife and son; s 501 visa cancellation. Review/Courts: FC/FFC/RRT. Minister’s Review—refer to s 501 Review
    Ombudsman’s recommendation: that Mr X be released from immigration detention and be granted a suitable visa to allow for a permanent outcome to his immigration status.

  • Immigration report 507/08 (215.13KB)

    PRC citizen aged 35, in detention two years and four months; stomach pain; Christian. Review/Courts: RRT/FMC. Minister’s Review—not intervene.
    Ombudsman’s recommendation: that Mr X be placed in Community Detention or granted an appropriate visa until his immigration status is resolved.

  • Immigration report 508/08 (157.13KB)

    PRC citizen aged 33, detained for two years and three months; poor sleep; issues relating to BV. Review/Courts: RRT/FMC/FFC/HC—ongoing. Minister’s Review—not intervene. Granted BV.
    No recommendation by the Ombudsman.